Monday, June 24, 2013

Open Your Mind Before You Open Your Mouth

Posted by Nurul AIn Nazuha at 11:32 PM
When you saw fat people, you were all like "ewwww disgusting"
You even wrote "I don't to be friends with fat people"
Even if you feel you're a lot skinnier and prettier than those fat people, it doesn't mean you have those rights to say those mean things. People might get hurt. You should be thankful for not being one of them.

Take a look at yourself. Ewwww~ those acne, pimples, you should get rid of it woman. Clean your fucking nasty face.

Okay, those words, i didn't mean it. I mean, seriously, com'on! how do you have those guts to say those things? We all have different opinions. I know. But judging one another? Please. Even if by stating those comments might get you feel good, people can be so judgemental. People laugh at you. Hypocrite.

Fat, skinny, tall, short, ugly, beautiful - that's what make us different, unique but still we are human with feelings. It just depends how you treat people. Be wise.



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