Sunday, April 3, 2011

Dush Dush

Posted by Nurul AIn Nazuha at 2:30 PM
I'm back Photobucket

My life is like a roller coaster. Ups and down. Hate and love. FML Photobucket

Currently unemployed, but tomorrow, I attend some training di AIA. Funny story. Mummy saw job vacancy advertisement in the newspaper. It doesn't even mentioned the name of the company. So I give a shot. Bla bla bla... Mr Choo told me to come on Monday (last monday) for an interview and he gave me the address. I thought it was only a small company but then as I arrived and went up to 5th floor Photobucket, AIA dang! I wasn't really prepared. NONE! After he explained what is AIA all baout, he told to come this Monday until Thursday for the training. Nervous! Nervous! PhotobucketPhotobucket

Wish me luck yeah? Photobucket



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