Saturday, June 18, 2011

A face on your book!

Posted by Nurul AIn Nazuha at 11:07 AM
It's effing annoying that now young teenagers make annoying fan pages in facebook. Like com'on.. Annoying waa especially like macam "eh aku suka kau wa. Napa kau inda paham kan?" WTH. I know they have the freedom to make those but its just too much. And much annoying when people make fan page about themselves. Pretend to be someone else to hate them. WTH dude. Tunjuk famous.

And much annoying (this is even more annoying than those fan pages) when they use fake names. Like cute siimanja alai bummbumm or or eroticmoannalisa shawty. WTH?!! Erotic? Moan? What? You want people to moan when they sayy your name? Eww. :) I bet your real name are more even beautiful than that.

Sheeeshhh. I wish they all grew up! I'm not saying I'm the most perfect facebook user, I'm just sharing my thoughts (well some, cause other some are better off unsaid :) )

And now, I am ubberly strict with my facebook, I share my posts with only selected people, not all of 'em. And and I started to remove from my friends list yang those who mentioned babi (or anything something pissed me off) and not all friend requests will be entertained.




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