Saturday, June 13, 2015

Healthy Habit #1 : Drink More Water

Posted by Nurul AIn Nazuha at 2:01 PM
It is really important to stay hydrated, but it was a struggle for me. The struggling was real that I almost vomit. And so, I search for blogs about drinking water, how important it is to your body. And by reading those, it just inspired me to take more water. 

Weight lost

Drinking water alone will not cause you lose weight but drinking water before and after meal,   
can make you feel fuller and eat less. If you drink more water, your organs will work better and rid of harmful toxins in your body. 

Organ function

Organs in our body made up of mostly water. If tou don't drink enough water, your organs steal water from your hair and skin in order for them to work. If you are properly hydrated, water will improve your immune system and thus, they fight illness.
Fun fact : Your brain is made up of 90% water and if you are dehydrated, you will be tired and slow-thinking. This prone to headache. So, more water please.


With less water, your body will steal moisture from your skin, nails and hair. But with more water, your skin will be more supple and radiant, your hair will be shinier and fuller and your nails will grow longer and less brittle. 

I did find an article and the interviewee asked the model how she get flawless (even without makeup) and she said "i just drink water" and BOOOOM! there you go people, water is not only to keep you hydrated but also give you the healthy body you need. 

My Rule

My goal was to drink atleast 2 bottles of 600 ml water. Morning and lunch. I would had a warm or cold water before my tea or coffee, and half bottle before my lunch and another after that. So that I won't overeat or hungry. Yes, i do drink more water at home. 

My Trick

Bring a bottle with you. The size doesn't really matter that much. If you couldn't find a bottle, buy one. Keep it. Refill if you need more. Don't push yourself to finish a bottle 'cause you might throw up. 

It's working this way and today, it was unbelievable that I didn't take any sodas as a reward, I went to office pantry to buy sodas (as a reward) and my hand just took another bottle of water!

Few months back, it was a struggle. I even couldn't finish a bottle. But today, I am very impressed with myself. Way to go, ayen! 

That was my little trick. Just a simple trick. Buy a bottle. If you want to have beautiful skin with healthy organs, drink more water. 




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