Monday, January 24, 2011


Posted by Nurul AIn Nazuha at 9:29 PM
I am mentally and physically tired. Too much this and that. Blerrghh~ On the 16th, I had SPA kerani kewangan test. I thought it would be very very difficult but in the end, alhamdulillah I managed to answer them all. :) And so for now, I'm waiting for the interview saja lagi -.-'

Soon will be my 2nd anniversary for being single. Haha. And and I had this conversation with my mom like almost everyday:

Mom: Cubatah cari boyfriend.
Me: Eeehh nanti nanti tah.

I'm not ready :)) and I'm not that desperate like some. Scandle buleh kali sama abang prado! HAHAHA abang prado is some jokes that we, kajik, me and ka norie made during lunch. Taloorr.

Abang prado: laii, abang lapaghh!


Wondering if he still alive or not. No news from himm ehh. Nevermind lohh.



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