Saturday, January 8, 2011

How do you handle people spread fitnahs and how do you confront people who called you a hater when actually you are not? Because some people, like my friends, don't understand me.

Posted by Nurul AIn Nazuha at 2:25 AM

Assalamualaikum. These type of people, all you have to do, ignore them. If you fight them back, it will make you and them, equal.

Have faith. Its not your friends to judge you. If you did something wrong, its not them who hold the rewards and punishment. Remember this, you live to please our creator, Allah. Not them. Allah knows best.

Anyways, I know how it feels to like to be called a hater. I know someone called me a hater. She read my post, she thought (or maybe still) I talk about her. And then, she typed some part of the post on her status and called me a hater. So people commented on her status like she is 'innocent'. HA-HA. Well, a friend told me about this and even print-screened it. :)) Just go with the flow~

ps: Sorry for the grammar mistake.

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