Sunday, February 1, 2009


Posted by Nurul AIn Nazuha at 12:40 AM
Nothing much happened lately. Granny and Uda back to Miri yesterday morning. God! How i miss the noise made by my lil cuzzies. Miss them so much already. :(

First of all i would like to say congratulations to Ezah, Amal, Kimah and Moon got a perfect results.
Ezah - AAC
Amal - BAA
Kimah - AAA
Moon - AAA
WOW! Congratulation ah! Your future ampai2 sudah sana atu. Don't let any big oppurtunities just flew away.

To people who are very dissapointed with their results, sabar ja. Just like what Cikgu Hajah Asimah said, "semua ani ada hikmahnya" Thats true. :)

Now, its my year to show that im just like one of them with a very excellent grades. Amin~~



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