Sunday, November 7, 2010

1 2 3 A B C

Posted by Nurul AIn Nazuha at 9:17 PM
Its been a very long time since my last update.. i mean my real update and yeah, I change back my url, if you ask. :)

Things happened in my life and I thank Allah for all of these. Seriously it is beyond my expectation. And working with Baiduri Bank for 3 months, WOW!! New life, new experiences, new people, new friends and new environment, God knows :)

I miss them!

Pictures aboves was taken during raya celebration with my new phone, Nokia N900. My phone is only 5mp and I was very impressed with the camera and my phone yang jadi mangsa. They used my phone to take pictures. -.-' I don't mind jua :))

Ohh god, I'm not good at blogging anymore. LOOK! at my storyline. Macam kanak-kanak darjah 3. Sheesh!



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