Saturday, November 6, 2010

Salam ain~ I'v been trying to ask you this question tapi malu.. Before.. I was actually looking at your album yang Baiduri atu.. Siapa Ems atu? Ia ada gf kah? Kirim salam.. can? and kenapa you privatized album atu?

Posted by Nurul AIn Nazuha at 12:28 AM

Wa'alaikumsalam warrahmatullah. Ems?? Ohemgiee!! HAHAHA i joke :P

Ems my former colleague tu. :)) Kadang kadang baik kadang kadang jahat. But a good friend lah :) You can trust him - at times. Hehehe :P

About him being in a relationship or not, I'm not sure lah ah. Ehh wait - scratch that!! I know tapi aku inda berani kan comment apa apa since that is his personal thang kan? (or maybe ia bangga sudah kan bagitau urang lain) :P So i'll just keep my mouth shut lah dulu :))

Okay :) I'll make sure he reads this. It will be much easier if you tell me who you are, :((

And I privatized my album pasal semua atu permintaan my colleagues (note the S). Don't get mad. :)

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