Friday, November 19, 2010

Is there anyone you totally respect but then he/she backbit you? Or probably your friends but then it pissed you off? :)

Posted by Nurul AIn Nazuha at 12:29 AM

And who are you? Are you testing me and trying to make me tell the truth? Don't worry, I will :)

Eventually, people who really close to me knew what exactly happened especially the person who has been backbit by someone who is technically not even know her very well :) So do you think its fair? To me? To her? And to her friends? Speaking of, don't get me wrong. I didn't exposed the stories. I mean, its really up to her if she wants people to know kan??

Talking about respect.. yes I DID respect her (not the victim). I never want to hurt her feelings, but if I did, I didn't mean it. I respect my friends. And I treat them equally. No less and no more.

After months, it ANNOYS me but then, I just let it go. I don't hold any grudges against her :) Let it go and just go with the flow. So now I'm cool with it.

Do I make myself perfectly clear? :)

Ask me random questions!



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