Thursday, June 11, 2015

Biggest Update!

Posted by Nurul AIn Nazuha at 10:43 PM
Assalam everyone.

Been months for not blogging and I am truly sorry bout that. There are so many things going on for these past few months and I can't even keep up with blogging. At some point there are times that I was thinking I should put this blog to rest but then again, I am going to miss it. There goes typical me. Lol! Sorry.

Whats up with me? Biggest update of all - my mother passed away on march 18th 2015. She lost a battle to the very end stage of kidney disease.  She was 50 at november 19th 2014. We did celebrate her birthday twice in the hospital and home. We never knew it would be her last, if only I knew, it would be the most amazing birthday she ever had, the greatest gift of all. 

She got admitted to the hospital by end of october because of the sudden pain she had for days. Then the doctor told us she had kidney disease where her potassium level is too high. Got admitted 3 times since then. I watched my mother suffer through dialysis. Losing much weigh from 80+ to 40+ in just 3 months. Crazy  what those diseases could do to you. 

March 18th, my dad received a call from the nurse. She told him to come to the hospital as soon as he could. But thats not what he told me. He said that the doctor wanna see him regarding about the dialysis tube and all. So I was like oh okay. Then at 9 plus am, I received a call from my dad saying that the doctor said the chances for her getting better is very low and they can't do anythingg about it since my mom lost her white blood cell and her heart rate was very fast and blood pressure was very very low. I cried and mad and my heart were broken to pieces and my world completely scattered. Over and over I thought; how am I gonna live without you?

Positive side : she is in better place right now. I know. No more pain from needles and diseases and yes mommy, no more antibiotics. Lol! She hates that. 

Okay I think I should stop right now 'cause i'm about to cry and when im crying, I hate that heartache pain and gut wrenching feeling in my stomach. So I really should stop. I would post more in the very near future. So stay tuned peeps.

Ps: sorry for bad grammar, im malay. 



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