Saturday, June 13, 2015

Random thought #1

Posted by Nurul AIn Nazuha at 1:52 AM
Random thought : How would you react when someone who is very close to you told you they are gay? 

Last night I was browsing youtube and came across with 'coming out' videos. My first reaction was "woahhh she's gay?" Well, actually it is okay to be gay. It is okay to admit that you're gay. Its not even your choice to be one. If only we could choose to change our sexuality, trust me, i know these 'gay' people would. 

It is not easy for us to talk about personal stuffs and yet we all have this feeling wanting to be accepted. And thats what make us insecure or afraid to tell or talk about our sexuality. Society is complicated and hard to understand them. They are the one who told us 'be yourself' and later they judge us. Bitch slap! But who fucking cares anyway?! People, if you are gay, tell them.  If they start to ignore you, fuxk them! 

So, how would you react if your friend / best friend is gay? 

Me : I'd probably be most surprised over how he/she managed to keep it a secret for years. I wouldn't care if they're gay. Their sexuality doesn't make any difference. Be the supportive friend i could be and whatever rocks their boat, they're still my friends. :) :)



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