Friday, September 19, 2008


Posted by Nurul AIn Nazuha at 3:21 AM
i still remember when i had this conversation with my mom last 2 years.
she asked me if i really couple with Manan.

well manan is my long lost friend.
my bestfriend back in 1998 - 2001.
when we all grown up, i continued to study in pds secondary school while he moved to Mktab Soas.
my mom know him, he's her ex-student.

SMJA is close to my house y'know...
everyday except when it is raining, i walked home..
then.... when i walked home
from far, i tot it was Jus.
Jus look like him.
So i tot it was Jus with his girlfriend.
but no....
i realised bini-bini atu si edah.
so i tot that there is no way edah couple with jus.

'Jus' approached me.....
and i was like....
"Kau panya Manan! ku pikir si Jus"
he laughed.
then we had a little chat....
i went back home with a big smile, mummy.
He still remember me bah, manakan ada big smile :P

The next day, me and my-i-used-to-called-bestfriend (now inda lagi), Tikah,
went to mabohai during lunch time.
So, Manan was there.
I talked with Manan time atu....
He asked my phone number.
so i gave it to him.
That night jua....
Manan texted me..
he wants to call me.

he's such a sweet talker.
he proposed me.
he told me he's not a player lagi.
he told me he apologised to all his ex-gf coz he cheated on them.
then..... he said he wanna have that relationship with me...
so i accept him.
both of us confessed that we were like each other in the year 2000.
20th march2006 - our date.
still remember the date, i wrote that dumb date at my calculator...

when i went to Mabohai with tikah, i saw him with his friends.
he sat next to me.
i escape my economic extra class just to spend my time with him.
that day, i was in love with him.
i mean, really in love with him.
but then, he changed.
totally changed....

when i spend the day with the girls..
izzah and nadia asked me if i knew Manan.
and i said yes...
then izzah tarus2 cakap, "nah kan si ain wah eh!"
and me with the bangan face asked them why....
rupanya durang pun kenal Manan...
Nadia is one of his ex-girlfriends.
so me and Nadia talked about him....
how stupid i am in love with him.
i asked nadia if Manan pernah minta maaf arah ia..
then she said nada.
i told Nadia from A to Z y'know....
i was foolish....
fooled by him...

so me and nadia started to hate him.
ohhh yeahhhh...
when i was having a phone call with him...
he told me that he's a royal blood..
his real name is Pengiran Anak something something...
can't remember....
so i asked Ali and Hakim if they knew that name...
they said no...
i told nadia....
and she was like "apaehhhh...."
"ia gtau aku namanya ..............."
its different bha!
Nampak kan penipunya....

so atikah asked me to break up with him...
and yes i did..
no reactions from him.
i don't mind.
Macam lagu Justim Timberlake.
"What Goes Around Comes Around"

so after a few months...
mummy asked about my relationship with him...
so i told her that we broke up....

mom: cemana tah kau sama si manan? ok?
me: we broke up.
mom: aiiik? napa?
me: i dumped him... okay?
mom: why?
me: he sux!
mom: astah... ok jua si manan atu..... mama suka plang kau sama ia.
me: esh entah eh.... malas tah ku lagi.....
mom: bah belajar saja... jantah luan dipikirkan.
so i go to my bed, buka file bio and cry.....
then tetido :D

last few months....
mama becerita.....

mom: dek, tadi ada si manan di pds ah....
me: ah napa ya??? behapa ya ksana?? buang tabiat?
mom: entah. mama tanya ia kali jawapnya kan melawat....
me: melawat taie palatnya ah... sama sapa ya?
mom: sama si filzah ingat?
me: ohhh ingat ingat.....
mom: macam couple jua durang atu, mama nampak ia sama si filzah diri2 becerita.....
me: ohhhh..... inda ya skulah kah? nyamak sana atu....?
mom: entah ia cakap ia keraja....
me: keraja dimana??
mom: malas mama kan tanya....
dalam hati...*au mummy i don't even care pasal ia.... i love my helmey bha!*

i know mummy paham perasaan anaknya....
i know mummy tanya mana ia keraja....
but because of the broke up thingy, mummy pun na mau cakap pasal ia....
thanks mummy....
you seems to know everything..... how i feel inside......
you have that high taste you know....
you dont want me to have a-no-future-boyfriend like uhmmm you always remind me
"mama na mau kau ada boyfriend yang nada masa depan, yang keja macam askar, gurkha, kaja tempat kedai2 atu kaja tempat restaurant... mama na mau. pilih yang bisai sikit macam engineer kah, doctor kah, steward kah.......
hahahahaha see... high taste kan??hehehe...
but hey...
i found one....
my avy.... my lover.... my boyfriend.... my soul mate.....
one of her taste jua tuuu...

mama... daddy i love you..... equal nehhhh....



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