Friday, September 19, 2008


Posted by Nurul AIn Nazuha at 3:21 AM
I love insinuate people....
when people started to mess with me, beware yeahhh....
im maybe look like a scarycat..... but once you mess with me..... inda aman...

i just finished blogging pat my other blog....
not listed at my site...
cause the blog kinda private....
only for Joannda, Michelle *Joannda sister*, Sarah, Raf, Malique, and sewaktu dengannya.

I just realised that someone messed up with Joannda.
But JD *short form for JoannDa* didn't tell me...
She thought its only a crap.... but then Sarah and I got involved.
That bitch, ALIYAH, told JD not to be so close with us...
the reason is:
*im flirtin with ALIYAH'S boyfriend.
*SARAH such a backstabber.
how stupid i'm flirtin with her ugly boyfriend.
JD didn't trust her coz she knows im so in love with Helmey.
and she knows Sarah never backstabbed her... we know Sarah very well y'know...
and i was shocked when did Sarah so close to her to tell her bad thing about JD???

and how am i suppose to flirt with her boyfriend?
i mean heyyy....
i don't even know her boyfriend dude....
if her boyfriend flirt with another woman.... let it be...
she's nothing....
she's no longer special if her boyfriend flirtin with other woman....
kesiannnn deh lho....

she texted JD at JD's CBOX...
she was trying so hard to make JD trust her...
so i tag her....
she never replied...
all she did was she chat with her friends....
i mean...
hey... not even a single text bah kana reply ani....

suddenly one of her friends tag me...
your nightmare: ehhh kau mau softway or hardway?
helmey's: hmmmm softway?? hardway??? tupperwear nada?:P
your nightmare: eh jangan mbuat aku sampai ku menampar mua mu ah
helmey's: tampar???wuuu takut ku ehhh.... gyla... gagah eee... ijap ku - NOT!
your nightmare: SIAL jua kau ane. agatah ko sama kawan kapir mu ah!
helmey's: eeee kalah yaa...... hahahaha. sialan kau atu! pi kan if kamu ada masalah sama kami bawa bebincang bah... ani kan kelaie... cam kanak2 jua eee....

then no text from her.
suddenly its over...
cematu saja overnya ah....
thank god, JD na pecaya semua fitnah ah...
love you JD....
sshe don't even care y'know...
i mean when we talked about those stuff...
she's like...... nothing....
we all trust her....
im so tired bah apsal kelaie ani...

ada urang ah...
mun menyindir dibelakang...
sudah kana cakapi eksen tia ukan pasal atu....
macam takut2...
berani nya ganya dibelakang ah...
whats the use menyindir blakang2....
im good at menyindir ani eee....
panas telinga tu....



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